Airtel Launches Unlimited BlackBerry Plan

Airtel Nigeria is arguably Nigeria’s leading mobile telecoms provider. With its cheap call rates and data services, it has given other mobile telecoms operators a huge run for their money.
Following the recently unveiled Airtel Unlimited Facebook and Airtel Unlimited WhatsApp plans, Airtel Nigeria has just launched its Unlimited Blackberry Plan. This costs only N1,500 for 30days.
That means you can enjoy unlimited access to Blackberry Services and download for a whole month by simply paying N1,500 but I wonder if Airtel Nigeria will put any check in place for those who would want to download very heavy files.

How to subscribe: Dial *440*16#

One huge advantage Airtel BlackBerry Service has over other telecoms provider is that you can browse on other devices like Android, PCs, Ipad etc. with the same subscription plan.

To check your subscription status, text “STATUS” to 440.

I hope this helps.


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  2. Nice article Ɣ☺Ʊ have up here. I love d general complextion of ur blog too, pls keep it up.

    Someone told me however that this Airtel BB unlimited is not truly unlimited. I hear it is capped at 2GB. Can Ɣ☺Ʊ pls confirm?

  3. I thing it's true capped at 2GB

  4. Yeah its 2GB. Tested and confirmed


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