Mobile Number Portability: The What, The How, The When... (All You Need To Know) PART I

What is Mobile Number Portability (MNP)?

The MNP enables mobile telephone users to retain their mobile telephone numbers when changing from one mobile network operator to another. The MNP service officially kicked off in Nigeria on Monday 22nd of April, 2013.

Some Terms Used In The Process

1) Donor: This refers to the current network provider from which you wish to change to another one.

2) Recipient: This refers to the new network provider you wish to change to.

3) Porting: This is the process that allows subscribers on Network "A" to migrate to Network "B" without having to be assigned a new number.

4) Port In: The term used when you are joining a new network provider.

5) Port Out: The term used when leaving a network provider.

6) Subscriber: The customer who owns the number to be ported.

How To Port Your Number

==>The subscriber/customer visits the recipient's office and completes a Mobile Number Portability request form. For instance, if you want to port in to the etisalat network, you will need to visit a nearby etisalat office or outlet where you will be given an MNP form to fill. 

==> The new network provider will confirm the subscriber's identity and ask you to send "PORT" as SMS to "3232"

==> The new network then makes a porting request to the old carrier through the porting clearing house.

==> The new network provider will then issue you a new SIM card but you still retain your old number.

I hope this info helps.

Click HERE for the second part of this series.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this info.

    I was able to successfully port out of glo to etisalat last week. I must say the whole process was completed within an hour.

    I am so glad. Free at last!


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